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A Documentary Film

Journey to Wellness















From here, a plethora of exploration, some very grounded and cancer specific, others, a journey into outer reaches of what constitutes contentment, integration and the living of a sovereign life. 

7 minute trailer VIDEO above. This short piece encapsulates foundational and tone-setting footage. It also serves as a crowd funding stamp, along with a sample of work accompanying various grant applications for financial support to complete the full length documentary. 


From this partially worn path in the forest, we will continue trending toward a series of interviews and accompanying natural world footage. We will travel through the human condition, and healing approaches that create a sustained self-healing body and mind. We will explore what brings coherence throughout our thoughts and somatic experiences. We will weave together Naturopathic oncology, Russian healing wisdom, indigenous wisdom, energetic and somatic therapies, authentic movement, sound and sacred places. Science and evidenced-based practices will dance with spirituality. We will also peer deeply into the natural world that avails itself to recalibrating to our inherent inner wisdom.  


As a Transpersonal therapist, and prostate cancer survivor, I will share various wellness and healing modalities that continue to be instrumental in my life. Interviews (as mentioned) with practitioners who have been key to my wellness team, will be a core element of this project. From there I foresee capturing insight of younger generations. I welcome in those I have yet to meet, whose level of  wisdom and healing gifts are yet a flicker within my imagination.

I'd be remiss we if didn't explore multi-dimensional physics, plants as medicine, and dive deep into my time with indigenous healers and wisdom keepers. We’ll explore the natural world with its truth and beauty, along with an introduction to sacred sites and how to utilize their gifts. Let's hallow out, and through listening, let us allow this documentary to take flight in ways it is led, while we facilitate its essence for the greater good. 

I envision a soundtrack for this work that is indigenous, soulful and healing unto itself. As a festival and music photographer, I want to bring into this documentary some of my favorite artistry that will weave with visuals of nature.  May we be reminded that natural world is the closest thing to truth, we have on earth.  


These organic undertakings as they reveal their layers, reveal the deepest currents of aliveness, treasure hunts of wisdom and invitations for paradigm shifts individually and collectively. I have followed these intuitively creative threads throughout my life, while bringing forth the manifestation of gifts for humanity. Such projects have continually been part of my purpose and mission without fail. For funding sources unfamiliar with me personally, numerous references are available attesting to my impeccable track record. Please feel free to contact me directly. 

Footage that is completed

  • Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO. An in-depth and personal interview, completed in July 2020 in Ridgway, CO 

  • Marie Luna, plant-spirit medicine healer. A sensitive and deep interview in Paonia, CO completed in late July 2020. 

  • Anderson Hoskie, Dine' Medicine Man, plant/herbalist, indigenous physicist. Footage made on his land, and specific ceremonial footage is forthcoming. 

  • Misha Jirnov, Bioenergetic Russian Healer. Interview master Russian healer was completed in Denver, CO in 2019. 

  • Sophia Zandi, college student and scholar was interviewed in July 2020 in Loveland, CO

  • Jeannie Zandi, Spiritual Teacher was interviewed in Loveland, CO in July 2020

  • Deborah Pace, PhD R. Blackfoot Psychologist. Lethbridge, Alberta Canada. Partial interview and geographic footage completed August 2019

  • Sidney Brown, EdD, Blackfoot Psychologist, Author (Transformation Beyond Greed-Native American Self Actualization), Abraham Maslow Scholar.

  • Images and footage from India, Egypt, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Mexico and throughout the western United States and Indigenous country. 

  • Additional interviews and visitation to sacred sites are planned. Some soundtrack music has been granted from Native American artists, and I foresee some ceremonial songs, poetry and music being created by a plethora of friends as this project develops. 


Footage coming soon:

From a psychological perspective, we’ll also explore self-actualization from an indigenous perspective. We’ll plunge into the realm of the western mind’s concept of separation, comparatively to the communal, conceptual and spiritual traits held by various indigenous and spiritual communities. I’ve been working closely of late with two colleagues, both Blackfoot psychologists. Abraham Maslow, the developer of the Hierarchy of Needs theory, spent a season with the Blackfoot, and he found them to essentially already be “self-actualized.” This indigenous world-view also encompasses the self-realization with nature and community.  


Over the past 25 years one of my special interests has been collaborating with the view of Native youth. I’ve put hundreds of cameras in kids' hands with the express desire to capture their world view and insights. Their lens often captures the sacred in what some might see as the everyday or mundane, and has a place in this project. 


Supporting this project is the National Institute of Health. Given the nature of my wholistic wellness approach, I have been a patient of their prostate cancer research study. 


Funded Projects: 

  • Colorado Commission on the Arts, One of two annual major grant recipients (1999): Western Colorado Ranching and Farming; A sense of Community project was funded by Colorado Commission on the Arts. Being native to western Colorado, I was led to document ranchers and farmers I grew up around. I noticed over time that the secure sense of community I knew as a kid was diluting with growth, farmers selling ground to housing developments, and less "over the fence" negotiations regarding water rights and joint use areas. I was one of two CO artists to be awarded the major annual grants, and took a year to photograph farmers, ranchers and landscape around Fruita, CO. The project culminated in a show of black and white work at the Fruita Civic Center, where I attended elementary school; 

  • Eagle-Vail Arts Council, (1984) A documentary six-month body of black and white still image work capturing homesteaders in the Vail/Beavercreek valleys who resided in this high country of Colorado before and during the  ski industry development. 

  • Arizona Commisssion on the Arts: Dine'tah-Hajiinei; (1986-1991) The Place of Emergence. The project was funded for five years by Arizona Commission on the Arts. It explored an area in northwest New Mexico where the Dine', Apache and Tewa peoples co-habitated with the Anasazi. A multitude of ceremonial and healing knowledge was exchanged here, and rock art and sacred sites reveal this knowledge. I was invited by Dine' friends and elders to document this area with them, and eventually brought in 12 additional artists to assist in documenting this area with a radius of approximately 40 miles. More information at: Dine'tah, The Place of Emergence

  • Navajo Nation-Indigenous Centered Wilderness Therapy project was funded by the Navajo Tribe’s Division of Health. In 2010, the Navajo Nation hired me to help create an indigenous-centered wilderness-based program for Native adolescents. We developed a program supported by Native therapists, Traditional Practitioners, Recreation Specialists and support staff. Native scholars and treatment experts aware of indigenous programs internationally, assisted us in creating a program that continues today.  

A film exploring the depths of human wellness, healing, spirituality and the embracing of intuitive guidance. Let us explore the myth of separateness. along with our vital relationship to the natural world. We will dive into culturally diverse paths to wellness, while capturing an ensuing vibrance, an experiential reminder that we are earth's humanity, aligned in purpose for all to live in peace and harmony through mutual respect, love, compassion, and self-responsibility.

The relationship with prostate cancer and related healing journey. You will meet the practitioners and friends who were and continue to be instrumental in the embracing of cancer as dysregulation, and at it's core, a silver-lined path of healthy lessons.


After raising $1800 through a crowd-funding campaign via From the Heart Productions, your continued financial support, expertise and donated equipment needs are greatly appreciated. 

The following PayPal donation path is one way to contribute. If you would like to explore other donation collaborative efforts, please contact me directly at: / 970.626.3333. Be well. ~ kent 

Journey To Wellness Documentary is in the fund-raising phase. Your contribution assists my funding the following:

  • 2 Canon 5DMIV Bodies and canon zoom lenses (24-70mm/f2.8)

  • Better lapel - wireless mic systems (2 sets)

  • 2 Video tripods-Carbon Fiber

  • Travel Expenses | over next year (approximate)

  • Assistant Services in field and editing. 

  • Drone Commercial Certification costs

  • Additional Lighting equipment

  • Post Production assistance/staff fees

  • Payment to participants, those interviewed and assisting. 

  • Soundtrack fees, purchasing use rights from artists.

  • Application fees to Film Festivals and related venues. 

  • Thank you for your support. Be well ~ Kent

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